Italian philosopher Thomas Aquinas wrote, “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” This is especially noticeable when facing difficult circumstances in life, like the loss of a loved one. The grief process is unique for every person, yet there are certain stages that are imperative to the healing process. Connecting with friends and family is one of them.
For decades, the staff at Cypress Lawn Funeral Home has been helping families in the San Francisco Bay area through the process of mourning their loved ones – whether through funerals, burials, or cremations.
The period of time that occurs between a death and the beginning of the grief process is known as the Acute Loss Period. The way in which these moments are handled can significantly impact how quickly you begin your journey to healing – or if you begin making strides down that path at all.
The information we offer about the Acute Loss Period is so important for families that we have created a free downloadable PDF that outlines the seven stages after a loss, along with a video explanation.
To better describe these steps, we have published blogs devoted to each stage of the process. Previous stages have included “The Hearing Phase,” “The Sharing Phase,” “The Seeing Phase,” and “The Gathering Phase.”
The fifth stage is known as the “The Connecting Phase.” This stage embodies the meaningful relationships that are either formed or strengthened in the aftermath of a loss. These connections are forged by sharing fond memories of your loved one. This process will likely cause both parties to find a moment of emotional validation and uncover a source of deep strength.
Bringing up memories about someone who has died does not have to stir up feelings of sadness. Reflecting on the good times you had with your loved one and sharing those anecdotes with the people who knew them best is a fitting way to honor their memory. Many discover that stories and recollections don’t just lift their spirits temporarily, but sustain them through the ups and downs of life
We will discuss the sixth stage, known as “The Reflecting Phase,” in the next installment of this special blog series.
If you are dealing with the aftermath of a loss and need our assistance, please contact us at any time or access our aftercare tools online.