Memorial Day – what an important day for those of us in the Bay Area and all Americans! It is, of course, the time we set aside as a country to honor those who gave their lives in defense of their country and the ideals for which America stands. While we may not all agree on every political issue, or the cause of all wars, we can all agree we love America and what she represents. We love freedom. We love justice. We love equality.
It’s important to remember the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces who have fallen in the line of duty and sacrificed their lives to protect the highest of ideals, and to keep all of us safe from enemies near and abroad.
We feel the responsibility to honor their sacrifice very keenly here at Cypress Lawn, as hundreds of people will descend upon our cemetery Memorial Day weekend to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers. It’s a tradition that stretches back centuries, and became a movement of national significance in the wake of the bloody Civil War, where so many sons and daughters were lost. Of course, it is a way to express gratitude for the price paid, but it also brings a tremendous amount of healing to those who have been left behind.
We would invite you to join us on Memorial Day – Monday, May 29th at 1:00 PM. It’s a time when we honor our fallen heroes as well as all veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. This year, we will have a number of special guests including Purple Heart recipient, Eldridge “Eric” Hubert, Corporal, 79th Infantry, U.S. Army World Word II. Hubert enlisted in the Army at the age of 20, graduating from Fort Sam Houston Basic Training. He was then transported to England to train with Allied Expeditionary Forces for the invasion of Europe. He took part in the invasion of France at the D-Day landing on Utah Beach. He turns 96 this year and will proudly receive the colors at our Memorial Day ceremony. We hope you will come to Cypress Lawn to participate and pay your respects to our honored guest. If you do come to Cypress Lawn on the holiday, please remember you can locate graves of your specific loved ones using our online Cemetery 360 tool.
It is moving to us to host these Memorial Day guests, but it’s something Cypress Lawn focuses on all year long, as we help people say their final goodbyes to their military loved ones. Whether they died in battle or after their moment of service had come and gone, they are laid to rest here with the dignity and respect they deserve. Here are just some of what we can help arrange for honorably discharged veterans:
- U.S. burial flags
- The playing of Taps
- Funerals with full military honors
- Color Guard
- Special flag presentation ceremony to the family
We also work closely with all families of veterans to make sure they also receive any benefits for which their loved one qualified.
So, as you recognize Memorial Day this year with your family and friends, and consider ways you can honor the memory of those who gave their lives in defense of their country, remember Cypress Lawn is always here as a resource of healing for the living.