Heritage Foundation

Cypress Lawn is the final resting place of more prominent Californians than other any cemetery in the West.

Our Memorial Park is a vast historic archive, and in many cases, stands as the only remaining record of the men and women who shaped the Golden State. It also represents a visual history of the American cemetery movement from the late 19th century to the present.

Our mission is clear: We who love and appreciate this unique institution support its preservation and restoration so it may serve as a rich educational experience for future generations.

Through natural decay and degradation due to air pollution, vibration, and other man-made phenomena, our oldest and most fragile monuments are most at risk and the least provided for in terms of endowment care.

To preserve the art and architecture that is the basis of our educational mission, the Cypress Lawn Heritage Foundation is committed to preserving our vulnerable monuments and horticulture.

Support the Future of Cypress Lawn