Finding the Best Way to Honor a Loved One Who Was Cremated

More families in San Francisco and across the country are choosing cremation for their loved ones. At Cypress Lawn, our experienced staff help families honor their loved ones in many different ways following cremation. When you choose cremation at our funeral home, you’ll find the memorialization options to be flexible and varied. This allows every family to pay tribute to their loved one in a personalized and meaningful way.

Here are some of the ways you can honor your loved one who was cremated:


Scattering your loved one’s cremated remains

Scattering continues to be one of the most common ways to honor a loved one who has been cremated. Some families choose to hold a ceremony while they scatter the cremated remains. This may involve music, special readings, or releasing butterflies or balloons into the air.


Taking a trip with your loved one

Placing your loved one’s cremated remains in a cremation box or urn allows you to transport them wherever you wish. If your loved one liked to travel, taking a trip to their favorite places is a creative way to honor their memory. You may even feel led to scatter their cremated remains in different locations they loved.


Wearing a piece of jewelry in their honor

Although an urn is customarily selected for permanent memorialization, there are other container options for paying tribute to your loved one after cremation. Cremation jewelry is a great choice if you’d like to keep your loved one close to you. Families can choose from many types of jewelry, including locket necklaces, charm bracelets, and more.


Creating a beautiful remembrance object

Modern technology has allowed families to turn their loved ones’ cremated remains into meaningful objects to keep with them always. Cremated remains can be fashioned into beautiful parting stones that can be stacked and placed anywhere in the home. Turning your loved one’s cremated remains into a decorative glass object is another special way to honor their memory.


Memorializing your loved one at Cypress Lawn’s Memorial Park

When you choose cremation for your loved one, you can memorialize them with burial at our cemetery. In this case, our staff will help you select a cremation casket and burial urn. You can also decide to place the urn in a glass-front niche at our Memorial Park. Families who choose this disposition option have two years to decide if it’s the right permanent resting place for their loved one.


If you’d like to learn more about our cremation services, contact our staff. We are available 24/7 to help you and your family begin the planning process.