The death of a partner, friend, or family member is one of life’s most difficult events. It’s no wonder that when many of us contemplate the end of life, we are filled with dread and anxiety about the future. Handling the funeral arrangements of a loved one can be stressful, especially during a time of intense grief. One way to save your family from facing uncertainty about your final wishes is to preplan your funeral. At Cypress Lawn, our experienced staff is dedicated to helping families honor their loved ones with high-quality funeral, burial, and cremation services. We encourage preplanning a funeral to ease feelings of fear that many people experience about the future.
Preplanning costs you nothing.
When you put your final arrangements in writing with the help of our seasoned professionals at Cypress Lawn, we’ll provide guidance and support with every aspect of funeral planning at no cost to you and your family. When you preplan with us, you can preselect funeral and cremation merchandise including caskets, urns, and keepsakes. If rising funeral costs concern you, you have the option to prepay for your arrangements. Prepayments safeguard you against the effects of inflation on the funeral industry and provide peace of mind around end-of-life finances.
Preplanning lets you personalize your service.
A funeral presents a significant opportunity to tell a life story that features an individual’s hobbies, interests, and accomplishments. When you preplan your own funeral, you can highlight aspects of your life you wish to celebrate. Perhaps you are an avid runner or have a passion for baking. No matter your interests, our preplanning specialists can help you create a beautiful service that honors what makes you unique.
Preplanning saves your family from stressful decision-making.
When you preplan your service, you give your family detailed information on how you wish to be memorialized. Preplanning saves your loved ones from the task of making challenging decisions during a time of grief. They’ll be able to focus on their own healing while taking part in honoring your life.
Preplanning covers all aspects of a funeral service.
Our planning specialists will provide guidance on every aspect of a funeral service to ensure you feel satisfied with your prearrangements. You can get as detailed as you like with your end-of-life choices, from the location of your final resting place to the catering menu at your reception. We’ll keep your plans in a safe location here at our funeral home until they are needed, and you can update them as often as you like should your preferences change.
If you live in the Bay Area and would like to learn more about preplanning a funeral or cremation with us, contact our staff today. We are available 24/7 to help you get your end-of-life plans in order and alleviate stress about the future.